Ten style variations are available, each with individual configuration options for custom preset creation.
There are 10 stylistic module variations, with 25 structural suffixes. The former change the style, the latter the layout.
A wide portfolio of typography is available, such as custom list styles, to help individualize your content.
Layered Adobe Fireworks PNG Sources are provided to allow for quick and easy customization.
RokGallery is a powerful gallery extension that is based on a custom-tagging architecture.
A Twitter module, that can display Twitter profile information, as well as username tweets and search strings.
A powerful compression / performance plugin that collates CSS / JS files into single files for faster loading.
A content switchblade extension that has multiple layout modes within one unified control system.
SplitMenu is a static menu option that displays parents in the header and children in the sidebar.
When a mobile, or equivalent device, with a small screen is detected, the menu becomes a selectbox.
Fusion is a CSS dropdown menu system, enhanced by Mootools, such as its animations and transitions.
Features include multiple columns with individual width / distribution settings, inline icons and subtext, as well as inline modules / module positions. All are configurable on a per item basis.
RokSprocket is a powerful and multi-faceted content display extension. It combines many different layout modes, such as Tabs, into one extension. RokSprocket has its own custom built administrative interface, with AJAX support, for easy and efficient control.
Mosaic is a dynamic ajax content display mode, that is perfect for content heavy sites, such as for Magazines.
Set RokSprocket to the Tabs layout mode, to display your content within dynamically adjusting tabs.
Also supported are the headlines, lists, and features layout modes, the latter demoed above.